What I don't want to do if I can help it is to rush out and spend twenty quid (Ha! if I had twenty quid) on a Pikestuff kit. This kit and the Knightwing porta-cabin have become to the modern layout, what the Airfix engine shed was to the layouts of the 70's... rather predictable.
However I do need an industrial unit (and indeed may need a porta-cabin).
Enter the murky waters.
For things that do basically the same thing, i.e. a tin shed with a big roof there's a hell of a lot of variety. And then of course there is period... they tend not to come with build dates on the keystones. Which is a typical design for a mid 1980s build? I dunno. Even in industrial parks where the build is simultaneous they all seem different. Take these two: The UPS on the right has a third more brickwork and long windows, it's neighbour to the immediate, left more extruded section and no windows - not from this view anyway.
What this is giving me is a sad bloke walking around taking photos of big sheds and counting brick courses (Mr. left-hand shed has thirty above an 18" plinth. Yes, yes I know. Welsh layout/plinth...'The plinth of Wales'... already been done). I'm already ahead of this now and photographing bus shelters (you want to see the variety in those!) and porta-cabins. This is a kit-free zone.
Oh dear. There are two of us taking photos of industrial units then. I did the same stood on the station near Aston Villa's football ground - where I had been for a conference not for "the beautiful game". Result is on Melbridge Box Company: http://www.pagenumberone.co.uk/layouts/Boxfile/buildings.htm And you are right about the building kits. These things are simple to build so why not buy the materials and DIY ?