Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Drovers Brook green

 A bit of a push yesterday afternoon on getting some ground cover on. The yard area with a mix of some of Mr. Hill's chinchilla dust (which is more like fine ballast) and some American earth dust that I have a bag of. The green stuff is three colours of static stuff mixed fairly randomly, but keeping on the lighter shade side.  There is still a lot to do, but as this is first out of the blocks this year it's quite high on the agenda.

Now back to the grain wagon. 

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Buggering about

And 2025. After the fairly regular break in normal proceedings while I sit in a darkened room for 5 weeks, it's back to earth with a bump and a wall of modelling to get done. I'll spare you the list, but there are some interesting developments, some planned, some slightly unexpected and a very long drawn out decision which I'd long given up on. The later pair are not totally unconnected.
Almost as a way to kick start my head change, a visit to the Bognor show. Long from being the highlight of the exhibition year, I tend to go mostly for a rummage about under the tables. T'was busy, in bodily terms that is, though there was a unhealthy amount of s/h traders. I think that this is a bad thing. None were doing a roaring trade, which suggests that this not only pisses off the pro-shops, but ends up just diluting the whole thing so nobody wins. Tea was taken, almost to experience the 'vibrant' catering (if you know, you know). Nothing that I'd not seen before, but chats were had and hands were shaken. Job done.
Show 5
Parking 7
Catering 4


Monday, 18 November 2024

The Innocent Railway

 I haven't posted a video here for a while, but within the research being carried out for a future project, this popped up. Simple enough fare, but oozing with atmosphere and just a bundle of modelling inspiration and detail.

Drovers Brook taking shape

 I'm hitting the cardboard now with the bridge all but done and most of the structures at least part built. So far I'm quite pleased with the feel of it. This doesn't bode well as this is usually the juncture at which I start to doubt if I like it or not.

I am pressing on. I should be able to get this done in fairly short order and ready for WRG in March (this for a non-exhibitable layout). There is also a side project which is top secret for the Beccles show, not to mention further talks with the Devonians about something for RM next year. I make that three to get done.

I may as well start taking proper commissions at this rate.

Thursday, 14 November 2024


Getting a few corner points in on Drovers Brook. The one to sort now is the bridge. As always this is travelling hopefully and I was to find this out quickly. There were a couple of pillars in the box; these may have been built by Mr. Hill. Anyway, as this is driven in many ways by an effort to use up as much existing in-stock bits as possible I started working around these and a couple of Wills parts. These are from the retaining arches left over from Hopwood.  Here's the thing: is this stuff degrading? And if so, what is the shelf life. These were direct from Peco, so we can assume fairly hot from the moulds and the layout build was five years ago. Now, they are literally shattering. Answers on a postcard. 

A few days ago I wrapped up a post with this: 'THB this is my happy place. Send more wagon kits for Christmas.'
Today this turned up unannounced in the post. There are some lovely people on here.