Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Kernow Models

News of model shops closing is all the rage these days. I used to have three within half and hour, now none. Although this is a little out of normal travelling range it's good to have a new shop opening for a change, so a trip was taken to Guildford to see the new Kernow shop. Peco staff were in residence for the opening day, some en-route to the Lille exhibition, others on day release and the shop staff were untested, but in abundance. Bachmann bods were floating around though not particularly forthcoming, but these two from BRM wouldn't stop talking.
The 11 day wonder that is Chris Nevard's layout was gracing the shop window, though how long it will last in direct sunlight is anyone's guess
All in all well worth the trip and great to see  Kernow expanding and taking a punt on Guildford as a new venue.


  1. I was going to comment about how negative some of this post sounded...but then I realised I was going to be just as negative by commenting the the shop front looks really depressing.

  2. It's very much a work in progress - stock was still arriving on the opening day and they are still putting price labels on things. And it's a lot better than most of Guildford if the "view" from my hotel window is anything to go by.

    You can see a walk around of the shop, including interview with a very dapper Mr Ford here:

  3. JF: Not negative at all. It's a great little shop and very well stocked.
    PP: Thanks for that...

  4. Lovely to meet you on Wednesday Chris; you contributed to an unusual pool of well-dressed model shop customers which, believe me, is a notable thing. Yeah, we do rabbit on a bit!
