Friday 6 September 2024

Boards up.

 With Rhiw lying unloved and unconnected, the new basic boards have been set up. This all happened without drama, though to be honest, if I can't do this sort of thing with my eyes closed by now then something is wrong. Simple is the key here and I'm imagining that this is going to form a small series of build posts. Not quite with the intensity of reach of recent efforts in RM, but possibly with a wider international one. That is but a consequence and not the reason; that is provide a short-order home-based BLT to sit where Rhiw is now that can be left up and operated at short notice; as well as clearing a lot of scrap and left-overs from the cupboard. The boards are bolted together with a mix of M6 bolts and wing nuts and are still without any proper reinforcement until the backs and front profile boards go on. Easier to get the track down and wired and then work the details around that. The ruler is in place to fix the crossover/headshunt position. This needs to be around 10" to take a standard British 0-6-0 goods engine such as a C or Q1. The points are Peco medium code 75.

The next job is to sort ot the join from the FY.

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