Tuesday 24 September 2024


Catching up.

After a week in the sun, where I actually got some modelling done, it's back to the workbench. However this is not all moving in a linear fashion and I was minded to move away from the new project for a bit and get a couple of things done on Rhiw 2. This was far from urgent, but the stuff is floating around and I was in the mood to do it.

The private siding area has always been slightly vague and needed the viewer and operator to use a deal of imagination as to where all this stuff was going and why. It needed some sort of essential physical marking to show that stock was leaving the mainline and going somewhere else. Fences and gates are great for this, so here we are. Some Maquett mesh was cut on the diagonal and thin posts added from 20thou strip, with a couple of repairs added in. Posts and gate are Ratio and from Nigel's bottomless pile of bits. The tally hut to do and some light clutter to throw around. Understand that most of this will be hidden behind the bank and is therefore a waste of effort.

1 comment:

  1. I remember buying the Ratio kit that included those gates and thinking that one would be good for a private siding. Never actually got around to doing anything with it, of course...but it definitely looks like ones I've seen in the 1980s, eg: Mountfield Gypsum Siding, the old line to the Power Station at Ore.
