Friday 25 October 2024



There is a slightly different headspace with Drovers Brook that other recent efforts in that not being an exhibition beast it doesn't need acres of backscene height to create a box for travelling. To that end I need to work out just how low I could get away with.  There are/were two factors in play: the undecided bridge/exit height and the buildings on the platform. I could have worked this out, but sometimes a physical thing is better allowing it to 'sit' and be viewed for a while. I concluded that the platform needed to go in first before anything else happened.
I will probably repeat this again, but the overriding thrust of this project was to factor in a lot of left-over bits and pieces that 'might come in useful'. To this end I have again used the Peco Setrack platform fronts as there were just enough scraps from Hopwood and Rhiw 2. These were trimmed by about 3mm to lose the over-height feature which is a simple run with a saw. The internal bracing is all the other bits from the kits cut to size and with the addition of more plastic sheet which is again left-over material, this time N gauge brick sheet remaining from Half Acre. For the top I splashed out £3.98 for a couple of sheets of 40thou. This is thus far the only cost involved.
As an aside, the gap between the platform rails and the loop line is 32mm. Ask me how I know this.

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