I'd been given three 'foreign' wagons to deal with as a start; the van and two with pointy bits along with the requested photos.

The van was OK, but I used a paler grey than normal hoping for a lighter feel, but the body didn't come out quite the way I wanted. However the pointy wagons did. The photos I was given indicated that they are multi-purpose vehicles that can have the sides on or off and are used from anything from scrap to new timber. And, are universally filthy and covered in rust. The photo I worked from had this lovely graffiti (or is it crude route marking?) so I just copied as closely as I could using my usual palette of Humbrol and G***s W**rkshop acrylics.
It will be noted that I have no idea what these are, only that the van is Roco and the pointys are less detailed Lima.
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