Friday 26 March 2021

Adam Savage spaceship

 *rabbit hole warning*

I came upon this via the Phillip Reed video. Here's the rub: I didn't think that this was my thing; I'm not a sci-fi buff despite having been given tickets for a Star Wars premier. This though made me think of all the (endless) possibilities. In some ways this is the ultimate 'freelance is the easy option'.

It's engaging stuff and even if the root subject is not your thing there is some great modelmaking stuff in here.


  1. Modelling railways on Mars or the Tatooine state railway, for your next project?
    Great films, modelling and life outlook. Cheers
    Andrew K

  2. You've seen Simon Atkinson's work?

  3. I used Adam's vid to help me plan a 1:50 freelance modern tram. His attitude of just-doing-it is infectious. Only wish I had the stack of old kits handy for greeblies. Kev.L

  4. Isn't he great! And his enthusiasm is infectious. If you didn't go out and build something after watching that, well I don't know. But how I wish I could cut styrene like that without a straight-edge...
