And 2025. After the fairly regular break in normal proceedings while I sit in a darkened room for 5 weeks, it's back to earth with a bump and a wall of modelling to get done. I'll spare you the list, but there are some interesting developments, some planned, some slightly unexpected and a very long drawn out decision which I'd long given up on. The later pair are not totally unconnected.
Almost as a way to kick start my head change, a visit to the Bognor show. Long from being the highlight of the exhibition year, I tend to go mostly for a rummage about under the tables. T'was busy, in bodily terms that is, though there was a unhealthy amount of s/h traders. I think that this is a bad thing. None were doing a roaring trade, which suggests that this not only pisses off the pro-shops, but ends up just diluting the whole thing so nobody wins. Tea was taken, almost to experience the 'vibrant' catering (if you know, you know). Nothing that I'd not seen before, but chats were had and hands were shaken. Job done.
Show 5
Parking 7
Catering 4