And we're off again.
Delivery yesterday brought the first batch of stuff. This has not been without problems thus far and I doubted whether it would actually happen. This time the order will be split to attempt to cut down the over/under ordering. Though I immediately got caught out here with buffer stops being in packs of two. There is a lot of non-comfort zone stuff as well and the shift is definitely toward the laser-cut wood now which I have slight reservations about post the TyB station building construction.
Can you guess what it is yet?
On a completely different tack; I have been slightly rattled by the orange one being crowned (it would seem) only as the new vice president. More to a point, the apparent new cabinet, and it's sent me into even more of a depressive state that I normally get in January. Mr. Hill will laugh here, but I have decided to seriously curtail (but not leave) social media. I do find instagram entertaining, especially if I have to hang around somewhere with time to waste. Here is probably no different, and that even the humble word doc is being scraped for AI. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it did feel as though there was a shift this week. One that I am determined to resit, if of only in a tiny personal way. On a professional level I've sort of been here here before with music technology and only a short while ago laughed at writer/designer friends... 'It's your turn now.' However while modern day Spinning Jennies are one thing, this feels like something different.
Looks potentially Jockanese (the Arisaig building) and modern (tactile paviors) to me...
ReplyDeleteThe Orange One may be be able to out-a$$ole it'll either be a bit better, or a lot worse.
Never bothered with Instagram, too fashionable.
Farcebook I find alternately useful (groups and keeping in contact with family in the USA) and irritating (most of the rest it).
This sort of stuff seems OK for the moment...
I tend to agree there Simon. Facebook is useful for all the various groups, it can also be a greater time waster thana basket of kittens. Some degree of self restraint is required, as with most things. As to the boxes of goodies displayed, Hogwarts Station?
ReplyDeleteMy thought is that we're heading for a re-run of the 1920s and 30s. I'll be surprised if democracy lasts in the USA as lots of the billionaires like Thiel think countries should be run like companies; major shareholders (guess who) would appoint a CEO. The only duty for the government would be defence. Oh, and perhaps continuing to pour billion dollar subsidies into businesses such as Musk's. It is depressing. Perhaps fortunately I've never bothered much with social media though my arsebook account sees the occasional post.