Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Signal box bash

 Working on multiple fronts at the moment. The above is the signal box for Drovers Brook and is the obvious M&H Ratio kit. This was picked up for a fiver off a club stand and came with the bottom half missing, but the important top half unstarted. Ideal for this project, as with its SECR Kent/Sussex border vibe I can add a timber interlocking room from scratch to drag it away from the hackneyed GWR root. 

I love signal boxes, but hate building the things as there is much to go wrong and too many bits to lose. That said, I have made an attempt to give a summery air with a couple of windows slid back. For those old enough, this may even have the Lower Hemlock inspired signalman leaning out cameo. There is still a huge amount to do here with only a few weeks to get this done.

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea. I need a box for Ditchling Sands - in O scale, windows to be open there too
