Wednesday 1 July 2015

Scale Rail International magazine

If you'd wondered why it had all gone a bit quiet here of late, then I'll tell you the reason. There were three of us munching through a post exhibition curry when someone mentioned that the publication of Model Trains International was ending. For those of you who don't know, MTI was a slim bi-monthly mag aimed primarily at those short of layout space. The subject base was quite broad, none of this us and them that all the other magazines have; British, European, American, NG, you name it, all pitched fairly low (i.e.not full of finescale) and with an almost 1940's style of good budget modelling ideas all in a subscription only mag.

Back to the curry: between mouthfulls of Gurkha's Revenge (yes really) I said that someone should pick it up and run with it. That's not quite what happened, but there followed a brace of phonecalls between self, writers, and MTI's editor Chris Ellis. The result is that a dozen weeks and a very sharp learning curve later Scale Rail International No1 was published. Unlike MTI it is is in colour and is presented in a compact package of an A5 magazine. Like MTI it is bi-monthly, full of modelling ideas and plans and with a very broad prototype base.
Email me via the profile page if you require more details

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