Sunday, 15 April 2018

Wills kit

I talk a lot about compromises here and this is another. Requirement: small GW lamp hut, plastic. What's in the kit: Four walls, a door with no lock, a weird shape window and a roof section which is about 1.5mm too short. The fix would be to take a smidge off the side length. That means that I've had to alter the window, cut down and alter the sides, take the vent off the roof  and add things to the door. At half the kit price (there are two in the pack) of about £3.00 there is a basic question now that by factoring in the extra time, I could have knocked one up out of Slaters sheet for less money with a more logical window and it wouldn't have taken any longer.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about it being easier to start from scratch. But at three quid, it seems churlish not to try to make something of them. I'd had a pair for ages but hadn't used them as they are so distinctively GW. then, I needed a couple of rude sheds for Castle Quay and, with a bit of fettling, they look just like the grotty sheds you find at Rock-a-Nore.
