Thursday 8 September 2022

Storage for railway modelling

 'This room needs decorating'. That sounds remarkably like a line from Hancock's Narrow Gauge Adventure and may also resound across the land.  When we moved, the second bedroom was pinpointed as the modelling space/office. The problem was that it had a shower in it and was probably the most in need of work. So it quickly rose to the primary job. The shower was removed, some remedial woodwork was done and a new plan grey carpet fitted. That was eight years ago and as I virtually live in the room; more so since the pandemic PAYE period, everything had got a little tatty. Time for a freshen up.

The biggest job when decorating is often not the actual painting and cleaning bit, but the removal of all the things that are in the room. In this case it runs to a hundred or so books, all the modelling gear, layouts and computer things. The books have been thinned out somewhat, but a lot of the modelling items were put in the (airing) cupboard. I had partially taken this over, but here was a chance for a land grab. This meant some tidy stacking. The problem is that, as we know, models don't (unless you are a collector) come in endless stackable red and blue boxes, so it's very much 'the best possible fit'. I realise that I'm a) quite lucky in having this or b) unbelievably restrained in my purchasing as compared to some there is very little bought new and full price material. 

The problem that I have now is that now as it's neatly fitted in, I have to pull large chunks out to find anything. I'm pondering another thinning session and an Ebay account.

1 comment:

  1. That's the trouble with being a modeller. Your "stash" isn't all nice neat boxes. Too much "useful" stuff.
