Friday 24 February 2012


Regulars will know that I like the odd things in life and none more so than locomotives. This couple of beauties passed by me a week or so ago. The first is specifically aimed at Mr. Bevan for his love of correctly proportioned cabs. The lower is absolutely marvelous and I dare someone to build it... Polly chassis, Lord of the Isles bogie and a fag packet.


  1. These are bloomin' wonderful! Are you sure you haven't just photoshopped that bottom one? Looks like something from a Colonel Stephens nightmare....yet lovely too!

  2. I thought the upper photo looked like a Lewin, but that the boiler fittings looked a bit too conventional, however a look in the book of Lewin reveals that "Tiny" was probably one of their later products. Is the loco in the lower photo something Scottish? I'm thinking Neilson perhaps....whatever, it's delightfully illogical with one of the worst wheel arrangements for weight distribution....and inside cylinders, too. I quite weird it's wonderful!

  3. I can only quote the afore mentioned young Bevan from an email yesterday ' but it appears to be the Purbeck ball clay (Fayles?) Steven Lewin 0-4-0T with a home made cab. As built the loco was cabless - which is why the chimney is too short.'
    The lower... no idea.
