Friday 19 October 2012

NSB goods shed

NSB goods shed

Today is a bit of a finish stuff day. After the purchase of some top quality Halfords wet and dry to do the roof, the gods shed is done. Weathering? Nah. All the photos I get thrust at me show spotless buildings. This is the major difference between the NSB and the ex BR, everything looks clean and well cared for.
I also picked up some white primer. Not something I normally use, but I reasoned that I may as well prime the LBSCR coach in white and by default do the top coat for the roof at the same time.

Standing the above on its head; I've just written a piece for RM arguing the case for long-term layouts as opposed to the quick exhibition animal. I am of course more guilty than most regarding this. However if there is an underlying structure to it it's a good way of doing things - the important thing is to get things finished, be it a goods shed or a layout, and to achieve what one sets out to do. I still have an itch regarding the Art of Compromise plan from Roy Link's 1978 plan and looked forward to a build of it in the recent RM. Oh dear... it missed the point somewhat. I hope that if I do it in the near future that I can make it somewhat 'lighter' in feel. But I do want to do it. It is an itch that needs to be scratched. But what of the long term? Life is short and modelling life shorter and I think it's important for me to streamline what I do as much as possible, use things up that are in the boxes and achieve all I want before I shuffle off.

1 comment:

  1. Very philosophical Mr F. Many true words spoken. It's reminded me to finish those projects I've set aside or not start things I have no hope of completing. Chris OD
