The next project.
It needs to be done in fairly short order so simple is the name of the game. A narrow 10" board about 44" long to match up with Orne, purely for operational fun and to use the FY on the end if needed. A straight-through station slightly inspired by Penrhyn on the FR with an added engine shed (because I had one). Inspired only, as if I had time and it wasn't so narrow, it could include the row of cottages at the back. Sadly in the this instance there is a timetable to adhere to and the shelf mounted root precludes this. I'll save the cottages for another day.
Operationally dull on it's own - or is it? With a FY on each end it becomes an anorexic Tal-coed and that went down well with the public and worked well operationally. Shunting with 009, and especially small Welsh 009 is not to be taken lightly. Rather better is sticking to the prototype and running conveyer type trains through a scene, as opposed to the much derided '009 shaped like a Great Western branch terminus' type plan.
This will essentially be another demonstration build for publication, so safe and predictable is the name of the game: Peco track, slide switches, MDF board and the buildings pictured two of which have appeared in RM in recent months and the engine shed which was built for the NG book to your right. We shall see how things progress.
Looking forward to how it turns out. :O)