Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Rhiw something

There's been some tweaking... but not much. I'm very aware that I'm falling straight into Minories territory here, in fact I found myself browsing through an RMweb thread that dissects the CJF plan and 'improves' it. This means that I've essentially done the same. If you want to disappear down the same rabbit hole the thread is here .

The tweak from my original below is a two parter: the throat points have been shifted more to the left to give a little more space at the entry, therefore closing the loop slightly. This will still take three Mk1s... just. This is of course irrelevant as the standard FY roads won't. The second part is that point 1 is changed to a RH. This means the parcels road at the back is a tad shorter and more S-shaped on entry.

I'm at the point where I'm not sure this is a good idea. I'm not even sure if the name is right. What the world doesn't need now is another exhibition layout, though it is as usual rear op' so far more likely to go out to play than all the front op' boys post Covid. The reason is because I can and not having some sort of layout project on the go seems, well, weird. This will all go to plan until you-know-who demand an N gauge layout to be built in Setrack for Warley 21. 


  1. "What the world doesn't need now is another exhibition layout, though it is as usual rear op' so far more likely to go out to play than all the front op' boys post Covid."

    To an extent point taken.

    However, when you need to emerge from the relative safety of your rear op position - to get lunch, take a break, etc - will you expect the public to be kept back by your personal security guard cum medical assistant so that your "safe" distance is preserved?

    And how far was your rear op position from the ditto of the guys running the layout behind you?


    Thinking further, how did you get to the exhibition? Did you share a car journey with your fellow operator? Is this person in your "bubble"? And if a two day event at a distance did you share a hotel room?

    In short is there not a lot more than op position to be considered?


  2. OMG, never envisaged N gauge in the Warley series. Have fun.

  3. Why not mount your usual switches beneath the board and have a push rod run the full width of the baord. Then you can play from either side?
    Just a thought

    Andrew K
