Tuesday 13 September 2022

Faversham exhibition

Is it a Kentish man or a man of Kent? Or as comedian Jonnie Casson asked, 'I don't know why people think I'm from Kent, but that's what they say when I walk past.'
Anyway, a long drive, or so it seemed, to Faversham for a jolly couple of hours amongst the men and modellers of N. Kent. Probably what we had expected: a family-aimed show with a couple of gems: above Dave Holman's latest 21mm gauge 7mm scale Irish piece which was running much better than on its debut at Uckfield, and below, Durston an article for which I had only sub-edited a week or so previously for Railway of the Month in RM in November.
There was a welcoming feel, the catering was WAG-supplied and top notch, and the only real downside was the lack of stuff for sale. Not that there weren't any traders, but around eight box shifters seemed a little excessive whether they were flogging s/h or not. As is often the case there was precious little for the modeller in the way of materials.

The scores (haven't done one of these for a while).
Show 9 (providing you accepted the family angle club show, which I did).
Catering 9 excellent lemon drizzle cake.
Parking 8.5
Rucksacks 0
All in all, pretty good for a traditional club show. I'd go again.

If you have been entertained in any shape or form please support the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Faversham is a show I normally go to though I was otherwise engaged this time. Oddly enough, it also seems a bit of a drive from here but is only 25 miles away...definitely of Kent as it's east of the Medway.
    Your experience of it sounds pretty similar to mine; an enjoyable show.
    Durston looks interesting though I'm trying to remember whether I've seen it at a show...will have a look at more photos on thursday when I get my RM.
